The Let's Play Archive



Part 11

Mehuyael posted:

"So if I cross reference this in this other book... Aha!"

Mr. Richard Moss is Hunting in the Woods.

"Be wery, wery quiet, I'm hunting wabbits."

"Oh no not again..."

Dodged a bullet there! Don't want the Arena getting demolished again.

Ms. Rachel Cerise is getting Hammered at the Tavern.

"The blasted thing flew in and melted Sir Beefton! Next thing I knew the whole place was coming down!"

"Oh my god."

"Fortunes! Get your fortune here! Who wants to know where and when the next demon attack is coming? Low low rates!"

"Me! MEEEEEE!!!"

"There is a child in your future. But... how strange, your lifeline is exceptionally short..."

Cerise is rolling in it right now. Do we Pay the woman? or Refuse?

Votes that tell my fortune count double. What sort of shit am I in for thread? Is it bad?